Surprised there has been no further announcement from the club.
Really? I'm not. The club could only bring itself to tell us Bazza had left AFTER Newton mumbled it down the phone to Rob Makepeace several hours after the official statement. The complete radio silence since is completely aligned with how they manage communication these days - that is to say, they generally don't bother communicating. I mean, we're only supporters who spend our hard earned money following this team around the country, why SHOULD we get to know basic news about our football club?
As for Elliott, obviously it's not happening anyway but he wouldn't rejoin us even if we asked him because he wants to be a part-time manager. He's not interested in hybrid.
The penny has finally dropped with you at last!!!
Its always been the same down there, information is issued on a need to know basis, that is friends of the club, heaven forbid a fan gets to know anything, that's absolutely none of our business, that lot treat the support in the same way North Korea treats its citizens! Funny how quickly they communicate when they want money out of you though for season tickets, events, merchandise and the like. I just don't get it, its a medium sized level 5 football club, not some secretive state protecting its nuclear arsenal!