Never understand why the words, 'Club of this size shouldn't be down in this league' get used so much.
There are around 27 clubs outside the football league that get better gates than us,
Around 18 of these have matched the facilities and some even more than we have,
Every club in National Premier are in a far better location than us, and at least 75% at our level are also better located,
Most of the smaller clubs above us are funded clubs or racking up debt.
Tamworth get Ave 1246 and the Debt has climbed to over 1 million.
Chorley get Ave 1070 and their Debt is claiming towards the half-million mark.
Brackley tbh are one of the weirdest Set ups around, Current land registries show their club owners 4 bits of land paid by grants and yet none have sports on, The land they play on is on a lease but the agreement shows no amount of time or any signs that they are paying for it. that are around half a mil in debt but their cash in hand is always over a million.
There are many more clubs in that boat some are not even above us. As a club, we are in minimal debt and building within budget, Granted we have to pay a little more to get players in due to our location but I'm happy with the way the club is run, We would all like more but never at the expense of Debt etc