give hawley & McGuire a chance for me, Mcguire is leader on the pitch
they could well be worth a go, at least for the remainder of this season
It's a real tough one TTT, do we stick or twist I suppose that will depend on who applies for the job.
No matter what happens,we are going to have to spend some money, because we desperately need a few more quality players and they are not going to come cheap at this stage of the season.
As from what I saw last night,we cannot finish a move off, and the opposition know this.
Don't get me wrong I love Greg Smith, but he his not skillful and quick enough for this league.
Pidge had him in his pocket last night and Greg couldn't flick the ball on much, and when he tried to hold it with his body, he couldn't turn and bring players into play, that's because sadly he doesn't trust that ankle, you can see it in his body language.
We might have to loose him in the end as I don't think he would be happy as a defender.