Here are the updated standings after:
FC United of Manchester 2-1 Boston United (1688)
Four people got the correct score and deano was closest to predicting the correct attendance being only 1 out.
Lee Newell 23
fabjules 18
Tipps End Pilgrim 18
C.B. 14
Kirtonian 14
The Third Twin 14
AndyBHC 13
beefpilgrim 13
BostonTilIDie 13
Bunyan 13
dt woodhall 13
Grimlips 13
The Real Miss Grimlips 13
baghdadpilgrim 12
Batistuta 12
Pilgrim21 12
soccermad67 12
Cavalier 11
Dipdodah 11
Oakham Pilgrim 11
oxo 11
schismrule 11
The Chief 11
Wyberton pilgrim 11
yam man 11
Beth 10
Devon Pilgrim 10
Johnny Pilgrim 10
joshb 10
Ken Fox 10
Mrs Grimlips 10
Tash 10
abully 9
Ed Kandi 9
stevie 9
The Smoke Monster 9
youngchubby69 9
bostonwoody 8
ceamboy 8
deano 8
Deeping Pilgrim 8
Ernie100 8
Pilgrim86 8
rob.1987 8
sister soo 8
The Bostonian 8
uncleremus 8
Artemis 7
Cousin Jack 7
doc 7
green hats mate 7
Miss Grimlips 7
nikko 7
pilgrim in exile 7
garry@ 6
NEP1 6
Sussex Pilgrim 6
tomgraves1993 6
aggy 5
Ben Grant 5
jimmystars 5
milo1972 5
Steve D 5
Weston Pilgrim 5
leftbackinthedressingroom 4
Old yellow 4
Burgh Boy 3
Carl Newell 3
Myleftfoot 3
Shrimperpilgrim 3
Thenund 3
Swineshead Pilgrim 2
Pete B 1
Crazy Neil 0