I gather the manager is making heavy demands on the players. That's fine, but it's not for everyone. The higher paid members of the squad (who derive all their income from football) will be fine with it but lower paid generally aren't as they have other jobs and have to juggle both
I hear some lads are on 800 a week. Even if you knock a bit off for the hearsay factor it's still massive money. Not as big as some in the league but still a lot
In contrast others are earning 200. Very hard to maintain harmony in the dressing room with such big differences in money
AM has to deliver. He now has his squad. Not an inherited one. Big season ahead
As you rightly suggest we have to allow for the hearsay factor but even so my guess is that about half the budget is taken up by 4 players , plus Adam appears now to be full time .
I did not see Saturdays game but those who did were bitterly disappointed , and fully entitled to be considering the expense involved .
A few comments on Boston from the Southport fans forum ...
"relegation fodder"
"clearly Boston was very poor "
"lethargic" "woeful" "poor"
Little sign then that these higher paid players delivered value for money .
To put things right Adam has to deliver a big pre-match address to his players tonight pointing out in no uncertain terms him and the fans deserve better . One observation clear to many fans with limited football knowledge is that our captain would make a far greater contribution to the team if he desisted contesting and discussing decisions with the ref and instead gave advice to the young inexperienced players .
After the inept performance Saturday I would also suggest that Adam gives BUSA a big thank you for their well meant generous overnight stay at Southport and declines to take up the Blyth offer as has the Southport project proved it does not give BUSA or the club value for money .
Hope fans like myself give backing to the manager and team tonight and in return they must deliver .