Seems another solid performance . . bit strange only 1 side of ground open for Barrow match .
Has the safety cert been obtained ?
See no problem Ted it will be nice for everyone to sit down in a pigeon shite free zone .
I see on BUFC facebook some of the usual suspects are moaning about the admission charges for the match being too high , i.e. £8 adults and £4 for OAPs .
I,m sure many will share my opinion that the pricing should be reversed i.e OAPs £8 adults £4.
Many of the adults are on zero hour contracts , gigging or on poor or below minimum pay , also have had a fair portion of their working life in austerity . And many will be paying for their education for decades .
In contrast most the old farts were lucky enough to start work down the mines or on the land at the age of 14 and had nothing to spend money on and no education to pay for , therefore could start to stack away money for old age . The hard up taxpayer also provides them with a state pension and tops it up with £200 heating allowance and a free TV licence , not to mention a £10 Christmas bonus .
Are the pensioners paying their fair share ?