As I understand it,the conference can and does set it's own rules and regulations,surely this ridiculous situation should be sorted out by them.
I think the conference bosses have truly lost their way, and the meaning of non league which is semi professional, and part time.
I have drafted an email with the help of a legal friend, and it will be sent to them this week,I have had enough of this ridiculous situation,we can all sit and take it or do something about it.
I am going to kick up a right old stink,why?
Because it does stink of hypocrisy.
I will await their reply and then raise a petition for fans and clubs to sign.
Parachute payments should stop, if you get relegated that's your fault live with it,and stand on your own two feet, if relegation means financial crisis,then those clubs are living beyond their own means, that's not anyone's else's problem but theirs.
I have no sympathy for them at all,Boston was mismanaged under the old owners, we had to face the consequences, and we got what we deserved and I had no sympathy for my beloved Boston then.
To much molly coddling goes on in this world,and not enough standing up to your own mistakes and facing up to what you have done.
As my old Grandad used to say "Man Up its your fault not mine".