Why are those people, who were so vocal in ousting Den and stating that he had made numerous bad signings, not anywhere near as vocal about these bad signings which the current manager has made ? Answers on a postcard folks ....
I agreed at the start of the new managers term in charge that we can only judge when we see his team, but today, it was mainly his !
The last five games read, L,L,W,L,L, even Greene wouldn't have been showing these figures and at least his team played football on the ground. We have lost our way big time, we have gone from playing good football on a good pitch, to playing hoof ball on a muddy field. It is worrying, as fans are now split and some are staying away because of this. There is no other reason for declining gates.
Somehow, we have now got to get on with it and fully back the current manager, no matter what we feel about this whole season. This season is a write off,but if we rid the venomous atmosphere then maybe we can get back to what we once was a few seasons back, competitive and in the play offs next season.