So still nothing constructive to add for the future Pete, just more grumbling about me
If calling on us all to back the chairman is grumbling at you it seems you do not agree with my plea .
Sorry about the delay in responding DT, I fully intended doing so yesterday but I got otherwise occupied , if you look at the board you will observe a newcomer registered on Tues evening , apparently this new poster has been following Patter for a number of years .
Therefore I was quite excited on the first day that out of 6 posts 5 were addressed to my comments , even though they were critical and did not address any football issues . Oops

I digress . Very enjoyable all the same .
Now if you care to look there are several recent posts I submitted pointing out the obstacles confronting the club , some do not read the facts or ignore them . One post in particular I produced figures to demonstrate what a sizable advantage many clubs have over us in recruiting players. No good sticking our heads in the sand and pretending it does not exist .
Those often demanding new players are mostly unaware of the complex recruitment of a part-time footballer , issues like work commitments , travel etc . Takes a lot to persuade a p/t players to travel to Lincolnshire ,I should think about the only enticement that works is money . These are the obstacles when recruiting players , do you see a way to confront the problem DT? I don,t
The only constructive advice on offer is that the supporters do their bit , ie attend games , give encouragement to players rather than shout abuse . DT has often commented on lack of volume from town end all thought from where I sit in the stand its sounded good considering our recent results . Result of shouting abuse ? drops the confidence of our team and lifts the opponents even if the abuse is directed at them . Accept we are no longer big boys .
Lets respect the chairman and back his decisions and not just for the managers honeymoon period .
I,m not going to be snared into predictions , look below what dt saw in his oracle .
Oct 5 Newsham and Miller never replaced , Had you forgot Southwell ? dt who finished up 2nd highest scorer in the league behind Bogle , and won the golden boot last season and moved on to L2.
Predicted we,re "doomed " before we went on to make play-offs twice .
OCT 2014 Gates will drop to 600/700 . they finished double that figure .