Here's the updated table after:
AFC Telford United 2-1 Boston United (1659)
Ten people predicted a 2-1 Telford win but only one person (C.B.) got the attendance within 30 to pick up 3 attendance prediction points.
wez33 59
Deeping Pilgrim 56
Myleftfoot 55
green hats mate 52
Pilgrim21 52
stevie 51
dt woodhall 50
joshb 50
nikko 50
Ken Fox 49
Billy Shears 48
deano 47
Devon Pilgrim 47
Cavalier 46
AndyBHC 45
B Grimes 43
baghdadpilgrim 43
C.B. 43
ceamboy 43
Corridor of Uncertainty 43
palada 43
Bunyan 42
Burton Pilgrim 42
Challis51's wonderful wife 42
Grimlips 42
nick2082 42
noughtyforties 42
sister soo 42
The Bostonian 42
jimmystars 41
abully 40
Challis51 40
doc 40
Lee Newell 40
Pilgrim86 40
north east pilgrim 39
oxo 39
beefpilgrim 38
Mrs Grimlips 38
pilgrim in exile 38
Tash 36
Sussex Pilgrim 35
uncleremus 35
Carl Newell 34
yam man 34
Dipdodah 33
Loo 33
PompeyPilgrim 33
Wembley 85 33
Johnny Pilgrim 32
Artemis 31
Crazy Neil 31
soccermad67 31
Beth 30
Bostonshire 30
Ed Kandi 30
bostonwoody 29
Nundy Junior 29
AJHallgarth 28
vikp19 28
leftbackinthedressingroom 27
picky 27
Oakham Pilgrim 24
nibbles09 23
wilko559 23
milo1972 22
XYU 22
Cardiff Pilgrim 21
The Chief 21
Ernie100 18
Pilgrims007 18
cookie 16
garry@ 9
jonathanBUFC 8
les 8
fenside pilgrim 6
Adamski251102 5
Tomgraves 4
whydidyousaythat? 4
JPR Williams 3
thepilgrims 3
Chicken legend 2
Seeingbetter 2
shinnster 2
bostonian 1
Imp Stalker 1
Old Pilgrim 1
Old yellow 0
SFCEst1881 0
Steelihat 0
Townend worrior 0
truffleshuffle 0
wayne, york pilgrim 0