Stonewall pen took the man to get to the ball, nearly cost us the game until they had a man sent of then we scored then as soon as they had another man sent off we scored again really good game but we was very very lucky today, where was timms today? i thought king was very small for a keeper didnt have much to do but gave away a pen hopefull the timms saga is sorted ASAP for the good of the team and is put back into the starting line up. Cant wait for tuesday night now we really need to win it.
You do have the downer on the new goalkeeper and no doubt you enjoyed the fact that he gave away a penalty.
I thought his distribution was very good and folliwed instructions from the bench late on in the 2nd half.
But if you think Lewis King is small for a keeper then why don't you think the same for Ashley Timms??
Because the height of King is 6'4" whereas Timms is 2" shorter at 6'2".