This was no smash and grab, we went with a game plan which worked beautifully and could easily been three nil up had it not been for an unbelievable save from their keeper (although he probably knew little about it ) as Tom Wards shot looked likely to do serious damage to the net.
Picking the outstanding performer was dificult as every single player gave everything though I must give a mention to Jones who not only took his goal well but held up the ball and did not give their defence a minutes peace running himself into the ground closing them down.
Yes there was pressure in the second half although in one magic spell we must have strung 20 passes together denying and frustrating Halifax. Their goal was via a deflection whilst ours were well worked and well taken particularly Newshams who lobbed the keeper from a dificult angle.
I have been critical of Jason in early season but have to say I am won round and feel that he his proving that he can get the best out this squad. I see us having a good season and although I cannot be there next saturday I feel we are well capable of progressing with the conviction we showed today.
Very well done to all.