Someone wanted to know how it finished last season - so here's the final table:
pilgrim in exile 81
Loo 80
myleftfoot 80
wez33 80
Sussex Pilgrim 77
big dave 73
qwerty 70
scotty 70
youngiecj 70
AJHallgarth 66
palada 66
shorty2kuk 66
colindavy 65
rthom_101 65
cowfieldwalker 63
thepilgrims 62
AdyG 61
aggy 61
Mickey Nuttells Hair 61
Tash 61
AndyBHC 57
Gaz 57
Ken Fox 57
Reverlations 57
Woad Pilgrim 57
vikp19 56
amberman 55
bostonshire 55
Gerry 55
Sister Soo 54
Ben Grant 53
father Ted 53
FreistonFan 51
pilgrimTom 51
snowdrop 51
Johnny Pilgrim 50
york street pilgrim 49
andydee 48
PompeyPilgrim 47
camel 46
green hats mate 46
Adam Hildred 45
Bartmac 45
Swineshead Pilgrim 45
scottbufc 43
Senny 43
boston_til_i_die 42
doc 42
richie..p 41
University Pilgrim 37
airsbufc 35
Pete B 35
Pop up pirate 34
artie 30
chris47 30
lonegunman 28
milo72 27
Avenuefan 26
R.Walker 25
deano 24
Rich77 22
simon! 21
nikko 18
timbo 18
shinnster123 16
amberexile 14
BostonGoals 13
Mystical Man 13
EllysTeeth 12
madhos 12
schismrule 12
bob returns 11
BostonTilIDie 11
truffleshuffle 10
York Street Nomad 10
AaronButchersNo1Fan 9
kingofnaves 9
The Idiot known as AndyB 9
Amber2 8
BB1 8
boston fan for ever 8
bufc123 7
dazzybabie 7
barney mcgee 6
Leicester Pilgrim 6
Mark 6
LondonPilgrimRidesAgain 4
Sarah Mills 4
Jamie R 3
Andy Dawson 2
Hugo 2
leedsexile 2
matty895 2
billythesmith 1
Bob Nudd 1
bufcpleaselive 1
chris bishop 1
dav 1
Dr. Plimp 1
Eddie Killick 1
lions den 1
Loopylu 1
oneRickyMiller 1
Peepshow 1
shifnal_buck 1
staffy 1
studs 1
BastardInBlack 0
camfan 0
CroftonRed 0
fatp 0
Ferret 0
john chapman 0
Margysrighthandman 0
myfatherismybrother 0
petethecabby 0
rkelly23 0
The President 0