« on: December 06, 2011, 04:23:13 PM »
Hi Folks
Yes, I am currently in talks with the FSA to ensure tha the trust is not dissolved - For what purpose I am not 100% sure of as of yet. I just know that my signature is on the original document when we establisghed the Trust and deep down I still believe strongly in the model of a Supporters Trust. So much as passed under the bridge in the (near) 6 years of its existense and if the Trust does reform then I am certain it will not be in the same vein. As i remember it we formed the Trust as a reaction to those running the club back then and it was mainly about getting supporters to see what they were doing to the club - in that I think we achieved a goal. We may not have been so successful in many other areas but we gave it a bit of a go.
Many things changed with the arrival of the chestnuts: good things, bad things, and indifferent things. The Trust had no one to shout down or expose, nothing to react to (other than the constant bleatings of those that opposed us?), and in reality nothing left in the motivation tanks to keep us going. The Trust has flatlined over the last 2 years yet 1 or 2 people were strong enough to keep it breathing and I thank them for that.
We are in a new era now and it is time where the club is once again becoming (too many already "become") a respectful club based on integrity and hard work. The Chestnuts have injected an incredible amount of cash into the club and look like facing another year of deficit. How long can\will they continue to do this? Hopefully for a long time to come and at a profit - they deserve it.
Regardless of everything past and present I believe that the "not for profit" model of a Supporters Trust is a good thing and if run with the correct levels of bussiness acumen and local community understanding is more than capable of maintaining a sustainable football club. Whether or not a day will come where BUFC is part of this model at this point in time is indifferent to me. I like the way the club is being run now thank you very much and when you look closely at the club now it isn't that far off a Supporters Trust model already - It definitely isn't a profit making business!
As for membership of the Trust, then if you paid to be a 10 year member then congratulations you still are :-) And may I take this opportunity to thank all those that joined and all those that donated at the time. We worked hard annoying the buggery out of Sotnic, Evans, and the gravy gang, we had some good, bad, and indifferent events and managed to secure some shares from the club in exchange for some much needed money.
The Trust isn't dead, its just sleeping!
If the Trust is ever to be awakened it will not be reformed in the same image as before. Luckily things have changed and we all need to move on and catch up.
Please feel free to email me privately if you wish to discuss the future of the Trust as I am open to ideas, thoughts and suggestions. However, please note that I am very busy currently tying up one or 2 loose ends with the trust, very busy at work, and have no immediate plans to relaunch the Trust. And if or when the time soes come I do not see me being too closely attached to it - i've had my go, it is someone elses turn now!