its not just the older ones, in the townend all last season there was one lad who was constantly berating sleath throughout the season with "sleath your shit", even when hes having a good game. how on earth is this helping players.
as for you KON, how many times have you had a go at Micky Stones? its about time you got behind the players as well.
I know exactly who you mean with the Sleath comment. I've always thought when the team isn't having the best of games or certain players it's when they need our support the most than when things are going well it'd be better to shout "keeping going" i.e but as you say some just seem to have the odd player they dislike and get on their back no-matter what.
If people are moaning around me I tend to keep quiet and shout the odd enouraging comment as long as they are giving 100%, because as mentioed there is always divides in small groups.
Can't please everyone eh.