Last November on a Chinese website, they were concerned about a man made virus escaping from a lab in Wuhan province.
He tried to find the article since and it had been deleted. I think that as usual Joe public is only being told a few facts. I am not saying this is man made, but things are more serious than is being told. Italy has a death rate of nearly 5%, but this could be lower due to people showing no signs.
Anyway worrying times ahead.
Dipodah, there's been a couple of recent developments which shed more light on the possible origins of the virus

Following a lawsuit last month, various emails came out dating back to 2016, which make it clear that bat viruses were being sent to the Wuhan lab for research purposes in a joint Chinese/American project. Previously there's been a mystery as to how the bat virus arrived in Wuhan as the nearest bat colony is a thousand miles away.
More information emerged that in 2018 the American funded EcoHealth Alliance applied for a $14.2 million dollar grant to enable research into inserting a 12 letter segment into the virus's genetic structure. The Pentagon turned it down as it was deemed to be too dangerous. Trump would have been aware of this, but the Wuhan lab is mainly funded by the CCP so they may have gone ahead with it anyway.
A Dr Daszak heads up the EcoHealth Alliance and he played a leading role in trying to dismiss the lab-leak idea as a ‘conspiracy theory’, using his membership of the WHO-China investigation to support the far-fetched theory that the virus reached Wuhan on frozen food.
The truth is out there!