A Nottinghamshire football club has been locked out of its ground by the stadium's owners in a row over rent.
Blue Square Bet Premier side Mansfield Town and ground owner Stags Limited have been at loggerheads for months.
A statement from the bailiffs acting for Stags Limited said it had changed the locks and terminated the club's lease on the stadium.
Club owner John Radford said attempts were being made to repossess the stadium but would not comment further.
A statement from Burlington Enforcement said: "The club has failed to pay the rent that fell due under the lease in September and October 2010."
Stags Limited has signalled its willingness to continue talks about the sale of the stadium.
A Nottinghamshire football club has been locked out of its ground by the stadium's owners in a row over rent.
Blue Square Bet Premier side Mansfield Town and ground owner Stags Limited have been at loggerheads for months.
A statement from the bailiffs acting for Stags Limited said it had changed the locks and terminated the club's lease on the stadium.
Club owner John Radford said attempts were being made to repossess the stadium but would not comment further.
A statement from Burlington Enforcement said: "The club has failed to pay the rent that fell due under the lease in September and October 2010."
Stags Limited has signalled its willingness to continue talks about the sale of the stadium.