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Messages - oxo

Pages: 1 ... 115 116 [117] 118 119 ... 135
The B-Ark / Re: Prediction League - Guiseley vs Boston United
« on: December 14, 2011, 06:52:59 PM »
Guiseley  1   Pilgrims 4      ( 523 )

The B-Ark / Re: Sponsorship for Macmillan - BUPA 10k London 2012
« on: December 12, 2011, 09:23:09 PM »
Good on yer Shippy I'll start you off with a tenner see you at the match.

The B-Ark / Re: Prediction League - Boston United vs Corby Town
« on: December 11, 2011, 11:23:53 AM »
Pilgrims 3 Corby 2   ( 927 )

The B-Ark / Re: The Trust
« on: December 06, 2011, 02:08:29 PM »
I'm afraid Andy is right, it was very unpleasant to be abused and threatened by Evans and his puppets, including his drunken brother, but what was more disappointing was some 150 so called supporters and the local media stood by while it happened and never said a thing.
The question of any remaining monies, there is none, in fact our finance officer has spent a great deal of his own money putting things in order with the FSA.
It is true that Mick dearly wants to keep the Trust alive and would welcome any support so please contact him.
The £3000 of shares still exist and will be gifted back to the club unless the Trust is re-formed, or if any individual wants to purchase them and pay the money into the club I'm sure it can be worked out.
I too believe we are in the best possible hands with David and Neil but please god they don't walk under a bus one day, as there will probably be nobody there to catch the club.
I must add that David and Neil were fully behind the Trust, indeed David said that one day he hoped to hand over the club to a board made up of supporters of the club.
It is such a shame that the clubs supporters were not willing to get involved as they would have had a seat on the board by now. Is it too late?     

The B-Ark / Re: Stalybridge match
« on: December 05, 2011, 09:55:23 AM »
Woad, I did say "in my humble opinion"this was my view, I respect your views and opinions so I will just clarify what I meant about about Ross, I have always been a fan of his and I think he is a great signing, on saturday he got totally involved and put in a determined shift and because of this it appeared to me that Milnes and Sleath didn't know how to react if that makes sense, he also took a corner when Milnes was on his way to take it and he looked well peed off. So, I was not having a go at Ross but it is something that needs to be sorted out on the training field. As for being passed off the park I stick with that. 

The B-Ark / Re: Prediction League - Boston United vs Hyde in the Trophy
« on: December 05, 2011, 09:37:11 AM »
Boston 2 Hyde 1    ( 803 )

The B-Ark / Re: Stalybridge match
« on: December 04, 2011, 10:31:21 AM »
I was there yesterday and I agree that the team gave everything, but here is the rub, their best efforts are not good enough to see us do any better than mid-table.
The result was right as they passed us off the park, Jason's threat was nullified by two small centre backs and any flick on's, as in most games resulted in nought as we don't have another forward quick enough to get on to them.
I think we still have a problem at right back, and it appears with the signing of Ian Ross the mid-field are more confused than ever about what their roles are.
I know it sounds like a lot of negativity but as I said the lads gave their all, and I am just giving my humble opinion as someone who fortunate enough to be able to get to every game.

The B-Ark / Re: Harrogate Town
« on: December 02, 2011, 01:13:05 PM »
Obviously the chairmans Christmas present for his little lad. Levelling the pitch, how will they do that drop the rest of the pitch 20 feet to make it level with the bottom corner? Another dreamer with an impossible dream for a ground with no parking.

The B-Ark / Re: Prediction League - Stalybridge Celtic vs Boston United
« on: November 28, 2011, 07:05:15 PM »
Stalybridge 1  Pilgrims 2    ( 666 )

The B-Ark / Re: Admission Prices - Workington ?
« on: November 27, 2011, 10:07:28 AM »
Abysmal Andy? It was the highest gate in the trophy yesterday.

The B-Ark / Re: v Workington
« on: November 26, 2011, 06:54:45 PM »
A scrappy win but we are in the draw on Monday. Jelly did play well but what has Bazza to do to get MOM.

Pilgrims 4   Workington 0       ( 1002 )

The B-Ark / Re: compensation for church and pearson
« on: November 22, 2011, 02:40:32 PM »
It appears we would not have got as much without agreeing to FA and Grimsby demand to keep it secret.
I feel that the chairman must have got the best deal possible and agree with DC that it is his right to keep the fee under wraps. At the recent forum Neil spelled out the clubs position regarding falling short of the break even target this season so if this has helped that position all well and good. One thing is for sure David and Neil will not be pocketing the money so lets leave it at that.

The B-Ark / Re: no segregation....and no police
« on: November 19, 2011, 09:26:20 PM »
I happened to be stood right where the fighting or should I say the assaults by a gang of Gainsborough 40 year old tossers took place. I don't blame the stewards as they were clearly just a few blokes that get to see the game for free and 20 quid in their pocket for wearing a day- glow jacket, they were clueless and scared. This after great banter in the club before the game where an elderly supporter said that the last time they saw a policeman in the ground he was looking for his bicycle clips.
The powers that be at Gainsborough are obviously unprofessional and should be brought to task, had it happened at Boston we would probably have been demoted a couple of divisions.
Anyway, what a great performance by the boys and how young Ben Milnes is developing his midfield role although everyone put in a great shift, great stuff lads. Oh how desperate Clarke looked, after giving us fans the come on after scoring his goal he looked as though he was shrinking as we went on to play them off the park 

The B-Ark / Re: Polish scum of Boston
« on: November 17, 2011, 02:28:04 PM »
Front page of the Daily Mail today, Pack of lies Adam ?

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