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Messages - amberarmy

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The B-Ark / Re: O/T boston crime stats
« on: July 29, 2012, 01:22:52 PM »
word has it that when blocbusters on west street shuts it will re-open as another eastern european grocery store

would such high numbers of foreign shops,takeaways and restaurants make boston uninvestable to more familiar high street names

another talking point perhaps  ???

The B-Ark / Re: O/T boston crime stats
« on: July 28, 2012, 10:28:00 PM »
My apologies I thought we were debating the topic of prejudice.

Please continue and give your reasons for your thoughts on "foreign nationals".

Who are these people?

Why do you have issues with them (are they stealing your women and diluting your culture or just making the queues too long in Poundland)?

Are there any other swathes of humanity that you would wish to banish from your pure race Island nation?

Do you consider that Hitler had a few sensible ideas?

Is it fair to make undereducated Bostonians mix with highly motivated people from the EU who leave their homeland in order to further themselves?

Do you believe that some cultures are superior to others?

Do you understand what the word "prejudice" signifies.

(For the record I attended a state grammar school)

 :) :bunny

i'm well aware of your grammar school education.......just waited for you to bite on that one :P

banish is a strong term to use and also an incorrect response to what some are trying to say

yes we all accept (some reluctantly) that whilst we remain part of the EU these foreign nationals are going to keep coming here
however i think what most people want is controlled numbers of who are entering,measures to ensure they are self sufficient,no previous criminal convictions and extra government funding to help boost the number of hospital beds/school places etc. etc.

as for the feckless lazy gits of our own that sponge off our system then i won't argue with you on that - however i don't think you'll ever convince me that our local economy would suffer due to lack of labour if they went home

agricultural towns like ours have been surviving generations after generations on local people sweating blood and tears to make sure the country had fresh vegetables on their plate

the only difference now is that to enjoy a reasonable standard of living they would need to demand more pay due to the high cost of living in this country

The B-Ark / Re: O/T boston crime stats
« on: July 26, 2012, 10:37:08 PM »

Why don't you write to the Home Office laddie quoting your BNP membership number?

has our society really got to the point where contentious issues like this cannot be debated in an open minded manner without some public schoolboy jumping on the racist bandwagon

maybe thats why the levels of immigration have grown beyond our management because those who doubted it were too scared to speak up

The B-Ark / Re: O/T boston crime stats
« on: July 26, 2012, 12:51:18 PM »
Would our MP give us the statistics amberarmy ?  no I don,t think so .!!
From a certain conversation I had a while ago I think many would be taken aback by
the cost of interpreters required by police and courts .

not sure what exactly is available under the freedom of info act but if thiese figures are then our MP wouldn't be able to stop it

The B-Ark / Re: O/T boston crime stats
« on: July 25, 2012, 10:46:36 PM »
if anyone is able to get a more detailed figure of the number of crimes by foreign nationals (ie:- freedom of info act) then i'm sure that info would be much welcomed on here and generally throughout the whole of boston

The B-Ark / Re: O/T boston crime stats
« on: July 25, 2012, 10:42:16 PM »
...also ignoring Lincoln crown court means that you'll only gather information about the most minor cases?  For example this week, you'll make note of the woman who got sozzled and fell asleep on her employer's settee but ignore the death by dangerous driving incident?

How are you judging "foreign"  - purely on their name?  I went to school with two lads who had a Polish father and hence surname - where do they fit in the Amber Army scale of "foreignness"?

Utter jingoistic tosh.

its not always easy to determine whether a case at lincoln crown court would have originally been deliberated by our own magistrates

besides it seems most people are concerned with the general impact from anti social behaviour,theft,driving offences and drunkeness - the majority of which are usually dealt with by local magistrates

before anyone else wants to have a go just accept i'm simply supplying the facts based on the specified criteria and leave the debate open to those who wish to establish a view based on the info i give

The B-Ark / Re: O/T boston crime stats
« on: July 25, 2012, 10:35:46 PM »
update including this weeks papers

there have been 7 crimes involving foreign nationals all of which were by men
there have been 7 crimes from locals/brits of which five were by men and two by women

foreign crimes = 50%
locals crimes = 50%

The B-Ark / Re: O/T boston crime stats
« on: July 24, 2012, 01:21:39 PM »
Maybe the "foreign nationals" are just rubbish criminals and keep getting caught (unlike the locals) ?

Anyway Amber what do you propose doing with all this criminality? You yourself are an "incomer" / "stranger" so should we be suspicious of you?  Or do you consider yourself a naturalised Boston inbred?

More worrying is that you chose to move to Boston when most people are trying to escape!  xxxxx   :bunny

what are you wittering on about?

if you look closely i did say the figures for locals/BRITS

i've never claimed either that i am a born and bred bostonian although i think the fact i've been here since i was 5 years old (i'm 40 now by the way ;D) entitles me to some sort of view on things whether you agree with it or not

by the way......i arrived in boston in 1976......i don't seem to remember many trying to leave as we arrived???????

The B-Ark / Re: O/T boston crime stats
« on: July 24, 2012, 01:17:02 PM »
I might be wrong but I have always been under the impression that not all crimes are reported in the local press?

Its also worth noting that two recent deaths have occured due to attacks committed by English nationals on foreign nationals.  I certainly dont think the issue is as black and white as some would have you believe.  I also think its unfair to simply brand all foreign nationals as criminals.  In many cases it is foreign nationals themselves that are victims of the crimes perpertrated by other foreign nationals.   I suspect that all crime in the town is being committed by a  smaller percentage than 15% and the issue is a concern for the vast majority of the population - English and foreign.

It would certainly be interesting to see some credible statistics.

i never claimed the figures will tell all the facts people may wish to know before forming an opinion

think of it more as a guide

The B-Ark / Re: O/T boston crime stats
« on: July 24, 2012, 12:25:05 PM »
hi all

the debate about the impact of foreign nationals goes on and there will always be both positive and negative views of having them here

i've noticed on another thread there is differing views concerning a recent incident involving (allegedly) a foreign national so i've decided to begin recording the figures of all the court cases dealt with by boston magistrates and reported in the boston standard and/or the boston target

i will not be recording anyone who's been referred to lincoln crown court

so starting from last weeks papers (wednesday july 18th 2012)

there were 5 crimes committed by foreign nationals all of which were men
there were 4 crimes by locals/brits of which two were men and two were women

foreign crimes = 55.5%
locals crimes   = 45.5%
On the latest official figures it shows that Boston's population has increased by 15.8% since the 2001 census.  We all agree that the majority of this rise is by migrant workers.  So on the working out above 55.5% of crimes is being committed by 15.8% of the population of Boston.  I rest my case

i think its a bit early to start analysing the stats - give it three months and perhaps a clearer picture may emerge

The B-Ark / O/T boston crime stats
« on: July 24, 2012, 11:08:05 AM »
hi all

the debate about the impact of foreign nationals goes on and there will always be both positive and negative views of having them here

i've noticed on another thread there is differing views concerning a recent incident involving (allegedly) a foreign national so i've decided to begin recording the figures of all the court cases dealt with by boston magistrates and reported in the boston standard and/or the boston target

i will not be recording anyone who's been referred to lincoln crown court

so starting from last weeks papers (wednesday july 18th 2012)

there were 5 crimes committed by foreign nationals all of which were men
there were 4 crimes by locals/brits of which two were men and two were women

foreign crimes = 55.5%
locals crimes   = 45.5%

The B-Ark / Re: OK i know we've just lost but...........
« on: June 29, 2012, 11:27:17 PM »
The Germans were thought of as the most potent attacking force in the tournament before last night. They played that game and Italy soundly beat them. If England had tried to do the same thing as the Germans, it would have likely been even worse - we'd have almost certainly gone out by a good few goals in normal time. As it is, we got to the point where we were ahead on penalties and briefly favourites to go through. I think I know which method gave us a better chance of progressing.

Hodgson is fully aware of our players' obvious limitations and played to them accordingly. Just because we're not playing an expansive style doesn't mean we haven't "had a go" - I reckon it was the most organised, committed and hard working tournament showing from England in quite a few years.

Chelsea could have tried to play a bit of football in the Nou Camp against Barcelona. They probably wouldn't have a Champions League title to their name if they did, and I think I know which option most of their fans prefer.


our team contained highly paid and skillful players who would almost certainly get into most (if not all) of the top teams in europe and have a major impact because those teams would encourage those players to play to their strengths?

does rooney really play his best football trying to man mark (pirlo)?

they say roy will have learnt something from this tournament - well i hope the lesson is that you may overcome relative minnows of football playing a boring defensive style but if you wanna beat the better teams of europe and the world you've gotta beat them at their own game (ie: have a go and attack)

The B-Ark / Re: OK i know we've just lost but...........
« on: June 29, 2012, 06:59:06 AM »
Well the way that semi-final panned out has pretty much completely justified Hodgson's approach...

in what way?

do you think the germans would have preferred to sit deep and put eleven men behind the ball and hope they get to penalties

i say again i'd rather see us go out of a tournament giving it a damned good go and maybe face a small thrashing than play boring defensive football making no realistic attempt to score and hope we may win on penalties (despite the fact that our record in penalty shootouts is appalling)

it may be the end of the tournament for the germans but at least they can go home knowing that they tried to attack and score against all their opponents and bar italy did a pretty good job of it too

The B-Ark / Re: OK i know we've just lost but...........
« on: June 25, 2012, 08:59:46 PM »
you could have the best playmaker in midfield and the hottest striker on the planet in your team but if your manager tells you all to get behind the ball and defend you're not going to win the games against the bigger teams around

like i said it was a very ordinary italian side which on paper we could have beat but our tactics allowed them to dominate possession and dictate the game

if only hodgson had ordered them to attack the dodgy looking italian defence we might be looking forward to thursday against the germans

i feel the media are focusing too much on the fact we lost another penalty shootout rather than highlighting the negative tactics we deployed throughout the tournament

The B-Ark / Re: OK i know we've just lost but...........
« on: June 25, 2012, 11:31:23 AM »
if the sort of football we've had to endure from this england side throughout the tournament is typical of what we can expect under hodgson then sack him now!!!!

don't know about you guys but i want england to succeed by outplaying their opponents and not parking the bus hoping to grab a lucky breakaway goal

ok against france i can understand the cautious approach but they continued that style against the mighty nations of sweden and ukraine and yes...we may have won but it was hardly getting you off your seat cheering on the great football


We're not good enough at present to outplay our opponents, we tried that vs Germany at the World Cup and got smashed. It's clear we need a Pirlo, a playmaker.

i'm not so naive that i think we have the best players in the world but we had a good enough team to have a go at what was a very ordinary italian side (except pirlo) but boring hodgson had the team sitting back and defending deep allowing the italians greater possession which tired our guys out chasing the ball so when it did finally go to penalties our guys were physically shot of energy and totally lacking confidence

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