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Topics - Crazy Neil

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The B-Ark / Big Thanks To Oxo
« on: December 26, 2016, 08:51:55 PM »
Just want to thank Oxo once again for the lift to the game today. Happy New Year and have a good holiday Sir.  :santa

The B-Ark / Monday Travel Favour/Help
« on: December 22, 2016, 10:30:53 PM »
Due to my bloody car failing it's MOT yesterday I am stuck without transport to the game on Monday,is anyone from Sleaford are or passing that could give a 50/50 seller and ball boy a lift there and back please ? :D

The B-Ark / Liam Agnew
« on: October 07, 2016, 04:54:06 PM »
Interesting comments coming from Sincil Bank this morning,but,surely that comes under the FA rule on tapping players or am I reading more into it than necessary??

The B-Ark / Forgot My jacket
« on: September 14, 2016, 06:28:10 PM »
Just wondered if anyone picked my red utd waterproof jacket up after last nights game,it was over the hoardings and on the small bit of concrete at the corner of YS and SR near corner flag.I put it behind Adam (ball boy) and forgot all about it in the excitement,was half way too Sleaford when I realised,the little shit picked his up and left mine lol ... Rang Maureen as soon as I got in so hoping that Jason or someone hands it in,lost a lot of weight so I could wear it and now lost it lol What a berk :D

The B-Ark / PL Manager Of The Month
« on: September 06, 2016, 12:12:49 PM »
I know Jose will get it,but to me Mike Phelan should,he beat the top teams and it took Utd until injury time too score,this with a squad of 13 fit players not the pool the top teams have to pick from. Why not reward him and his team for the way they have stuck together rather than to a team with £££££ .. I know I am a United fan BUT,I am a football fan..

The B-Ark / Chairman
« on: September 03, 2016, 09:28:17 PM »
A year ago when we were having a bad start the press asked DN whether DG was in danger of the sack.

DN replied "As with any business you look at what is being done to turn things round,the manager has identified the problems and has set about addressing them with new faces so we are confident he can turn things around"

So,DG has signed Agnew and has hinted at more changes so it is not as if he is sticking his head in the sand and thinking everything in the garden is rosey.. The real fans can see what he is trying to do,the plastic/trophy hunters from the play offs cannot.. IF things do not improve then DN may well think enough is enough but he too can see what the management are trying to achieve..

Right,that's enough of my rambling for one night,time to put a cd on and grab a beer (or two) :D

The B-Ark / Neil's Notes
« on: September 03, 2016, 07:52:02 PM »
Change of title as rant was not the right word.

Ok,so home,fed and dry so here is my thoughts of today.

Fans: You cannot shout F*** OFF too Dennis and then try to find a steward to report Dennis as he mouthed it back to you,if you cannot take it,don't give it...

To the fan who was hurling abuse at him and I asked simply "Name someone available who could do better then" His reply was "I can for a start" told him to go too see DN with his cv but doubt winning the league on FIFA 8 times will cut any ice,his mate said he is allowed an opinion so I said yes,so am I .... They both then wandered off  hurling more abuse at anyone around.. Stay away,vote with your feet,that is what I did under the fat man years ago..
Another moaner was blaming Den for the goals,I said was it Den who backed into his own keeper after the keeper shouted the ball was his and the ball them got tapped home for number two? Was it Den who then played two players onside for the third and winning goal? Was it Den who took too long delivering the ball in stoppage time? NO,so why blame him? He sent players out to do  job and if they are not doing it he will no doubt look at moving them on if he thinks it is right after however many games.

Also,how many managers would be able to form a winning team when you sign a full squad on then see NINE of them out injured in the first few weeks? Partnerships cannot be built when you have a different player at your side every game,suppose the injuries are Dens fault too..

We were unlucky first half in my opinion,some better passes around their box could have seen us 2 up instead of one down,players need to look up before pinging a ball across,no good looking after you have played it beyond everyone.

Yes,it hurts when we lose but there was some fight being shown and it is a pity we cannot have 11 Greg Smiths out there every game,he shouts,rages and gets stuck in,like I say,we could do with a few more like him.

A manager sends a team out too perform and if they don't then it is those players who should carry the can, Hilliard is a decent player but today we needed pace and he slowed the game down whenever he got the ball giving them time to re group,not singling him out just stating a fact... Marcus Marshall had his best game for us imo and St.Juste showed glimpses of what he could do but it wasn't constant enough unfortunately.

Saying all that,I shall be there again on Tuesday cheering for the team (that includes the management) last thing those players need is a fear of playing in front of a bunch of moaners :D

The B-Ark / Weekly Rant
« on: August 22, 2016, 01:15:41 PM »
Time for my weekly football rant... I said weeks ago that the team need time too gel,we are creating chances but not scoring whereas the opposition are,that's football,miss and you get punished eventually but with 5 first teamers sidelined it is hard for Den and the team too gel. Instead of the constant whinging why not get BEHIND the team and not criticise at every turn?? Asking for Den to be sacked is a negative move IMO, we have finished 6th and in play off the last two of his three seasons,things will work out but it takes time.. If your manager gives you a task at work and you fail to do as asked who gets the rollocking and maybe the sack? Not the manager,YOU cos you didn't do as instructed,I am NOT saying players should be sacked,just pointing things out,these lads proved they can do the job but they need confidence,a good performance or two but more importantly then need US,the FANS,behind them,supporting them.. IF you do not like either Den or the team then stop going,I did under McFraud as my protest,attending games only served to pay him and make him feel good,so stay away if it that bad for you and stop the comments.I shall be there on Saturday and the following game whether we win lose or draw shouting the team on,personal abuse at management and/or players is pointless and childish,how would you perform if someone came to you at work and gave you shit for 90 minutes?
Oh,one final question,IF David lets Den go as you wish,name  a suitable replacement who has achieved as much in three years,go on give us a name,,,You will struggle ,,,,

The B-Ark / Officer Dibble
« on: June 28, 2016, 08:39:10 PM »
Signed a one year contract,next signing will be Top Cat :D

I remember his Dad playing and feel old now lol

Lets give this keeper a chance before attacking him on the internet this time :)

The B-Ark / Callum Chippendale
« on: May 16, 2016, 02:25:07 PM »
Another signing by Den...

« on: April 30, 2016, 03:40:31 PM »

The B-Ark / RIP Albert Phelan
« on: April 25, 2016, 04:54:08 PM »
Former player manager Albert Phelan has passed away :( Got us to 4th in the Alliance Premier many years ago...

RIP Albert..

The B-Ark / U21's
« on: April 05, 2016, 11:08:44 PM »
Good run out for Jonah (70 mins) and Robbins (all game) tonight as the U21's ran out 4-1 winners.... Cleethorpes hit the bar twice and had one effort tipped onto the post..
First goal came a minute before the break when Robbins was set free down our right and burst into the box hitting the ball low and hard into the far corner..

Second goal came minutes into the second half and then we seemed to relax a bit more,Cleethorpes management had a personal battle with the linesman all the game,and debated every decision .. They got dirty,the ref took action simples,you cannot take a players legs after he has burst past you but they moaned all bloody night lol

Third goal was a peach,Johnson (I think) hitting the ball with power from just outside the box and finding the top corner... 4th was a penalty and I have no idea why it was given to be honest,ball into the box,keeper rushes out and dives,player gets shot away but ref saw it as a foul ..

Cleethorpes pulled one back right at the end and they did deserve something on the night as they had look the most likely to score as we kept wasting chances and hitting the ball over... Good game and a good run out for 1st teamers.Jonah worked his socks off and covered every blade of grass,Robbins used his pace out wide but his touch let him down a lot but then if you are lacking game time it can be hard..

The B-Ark / Imps fan changed their mind..
« on: May 15, 2015, 08:16:55 PM »
At the home semi final my other decided she wanted to come along,the last time she watched United was when we played at Sincil Bank in the league,all she has kept saying since that day was how dirty we were,kept telling her that we are different now and play football but she would have none of it.
Anyway,she came to the match and since then she has told all her family (all Imps fans) how unlucky we were and we played bloody good football,she is now thinking of coming to more games next season so we have gained 1 fan who has seen the light..

Hallelujah she has seen the light :D 

Must add though,she was watching the Imps match against Eastleigh the other week,she said to our Son (a United ball boy) "why isn't there any ball boys there?"
Quick as a flash he said "there is,they are on the roofs of the stand cos all your lot do is hoof" must admit to feeling a proud Dad at that moment :D

Just thought I would share that :D

The B-Ark / New Dayle Chant
« on: April 18, 2015, 04:30:59 PM »
 DAYLE DAYLE ... Dayle scores three and we gonna go up :D

To the tune of banana boat song (youtube it if unsure of the song lol )

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