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Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Saturday 10th August Aldershot Town 3-3 Forest Green Rovers Altrincham 1-0 Woking Boston United 0-3 Rochdale Dagenham and Redbridge 2-1 Wealdstone AFC Fylde 3-2 Solihull Moors Gateshead 5-1 Ebbsfleet United FC Halifax Town 2-1 Barnet Maidenhead United 0-2 Eastleigh Oldham Athletic 3-0 Braintree Town Southend United 1-1 York City Tamworth 1-1 Sutton United Yeovil Town 0-1 Hartlepool United Saturday 17th August Boston United 0-4 Forest Green Rovers Braintree Town 0-1 Yeovil Town Eastleigh 4-2 AFC Fylde Ebbsfleet United 1-2 Barnet FC Halifax Town 0-1 Aldershot Town Hartlepool United 0-0 Southend United Rochdale 1-1 Dagenham and Redbridge Solihull Moors 2-1 Maidenhead United Sutton United 5-0 Altrincham Wealdstone 0-1 Oldham Athletic Woking 0-2 Gateshead York City 2-0 Tamworth Tuesday 20th August Barnet 1-0 Forest Green Rovers Braintree Town 2-1 Aldershot Town Eastleigh 2-1 Solihull Moors FC Halifax Town 1-1 Gateshead Maidenhead United 0-1 Altrincham Oldham Athletic 1-1 AFC Fylde Southend United 2-0 Boston United Tamworth 0-1 Hartlepool United Wealdstone 0-1 Sutton United Woking 1-0 Dagenham and Redbridge Yeovil Town 3-2 Ebbsfleet United York City 1-0 Rochdale Friday 23rd August Dagenham and Redbridge 1-1 FC Halifax Town Saturday 24th August Aldershot Town 4-1 Oldham Athletic Altrincham 0-1 Eastleigh Barnet 2-1 Southend United Boston United 1-1 Tamworth Ebbsfleet United 0-3 Woking AFC Fylde 0-0 Maidenhead United Gateshead 3-1 Yeovil Town Hartlepool United 1-1 Wealdstone Rochdale 0-0 Forest Green Rovers Solihull Moors 1-1 Braintree Town Sutton United 2-2 York City Monday 26th August Braintree Town 0-0 Ebbsfleet United Eastleigh 1-1 Sutton United Forest Green Rovers 2-1 Altrincham FC Halifax Town 0-1 Solihull Moors Maidenhead United 3-1 Barnet Oldham Athletic 1-1 Gateshead Southend United 2-2 Dagenham and Redbridge Tamworth 3-2 Aldershot Town Wealdstone 1-0 AFC Fylde Woking 3-2 Hartlepool United Yeovil Town 0-1 Rochdale York City 0-2 Boston United Saturday 31st August Aldershot Town 4-3 Maidenhead United Altrincham 1-1 Oldham Athletic Barnet 7-0 Tamworth Boston United 1-3 Yeovil Town Dagenham and Redbridge 0-2 York City Ebbsfleet United 0-1 FC Halifax Town AFC Fylde P-P Southend United Gateshead 2-1 Eastleigh Hartlepool United 0-0 Braintree Town Rochdale 3-0 Woking Solihull Moors 1-1 Wealdstone Sutton United 1-2 Forest Green Rovers Saturday 7th September Aldershot Town 0-2 Rochdale Altrincham 4-0 Ebbsfleet United Braintree Town 0-0 Woking Eastleigh 1-0 Tamworth AFC Fylde 3-4 Yeovil Town Gateshead 2-0 Barnet Hartlepool United 0-0 FC Halifax Town Maidenhead United 1-1 Dagenham and Redbridge Oldham Athletic 1-1 Southend United Solihull Moors 0-1 Forest Green Rovers Sutton United 0-3 Boston United Wealdstone 0-2 York City Tuesday 10th September Barnet - Altrincham Boston United - Hartlepool United Dagenham and Redbridge - Sutton United Ebbsfleet United - Aldershot Town Forest Green Rovers - AFC Fylde FC Halifax Town - Oldham Athletic Rochdale - Maidenhead United Southend United - Eastleigh Tamworth - Gateshead Woking - Wealdstone Yeovil Town - Solihull Moors York City - Braintree Town Saturday 14th September Barnet - Braintree Town Boston United - Aldershot Town Dagenham and Redbridge - Gateshead Ebbsfleet United - Hartlepool United Forest Green Rovers - Wealdstone FC Halifax Town - Eastleigh Rochdale - Solihull Moors Southend United - Sutton United Tamworth - Maidenhead United Woking - Oldham Athletic Yeovil Town - Altrincham York City - AFC Fylde Saturday 21st September Aldershot Town - York City Altrincham - Boston United Braintree Town - Tamworth Eastleigh - Rochdale AFC Fylde - Woking Gateshead - Forest Green Rovers Hartlepool United - Dagenham and Redbridge Maidenhead United - FC Halifax Town Oldham Athletic - Yeovil Town Solihull Moors - Southend United Sutton United - Ebbsfleet United Wealdstone - Barnet Tuesday 24th September Aldershot Town - Barnet Altrincham - Dagenham and Redbridge Braintree Town - FC Halifax Town Eastleigh - Woking AFC Fylde - Tamworth Gateshead - Boston United Hartlepool United - Rochdale Maidenhead United - Ebbsfleet United Oldham Athletic - Forest Green Rovers Solihull Moors - York City Sutton United - Yeovil Town Wealdstone - Southend United Saturday 28th September Barnet - AFC Fylde Boston United - Maidenhead United Dagenham and Redbridge - Solihull Moors Ebbsfleet United - Oldham Athletic Forest Green Rovers - Hartlepool United FC Halifax Town - Wealdstone Rochdale - Braintree Town Southend United - Gateshead Tamworth - Altrincham Woking - Sutton United Yeovil Town - Aldershot Town York City - Eastleigh Saturday 5th October Barnet - Boston United Braintree Town - Altrincham Eastleigh - Forest Green Rovers Ebbsfleet United - Rochdale AFC Fylde - Aldershot Town Gateshead - Wealdstone FC Halifax Town - Tamworth Hartlepool United - Sutton United Oldham Athletic - Solihull Moors Southend United - Maidenhead United Woking - York City Yeovil Town - Dagenham and Redbridge Saturday 19th October Aldershot Town - Eastleigh Altrincham - Gateshead Boston United - FC Halifax Town Dagenham and Redbridge - AFC Fylde Forest Green Rovers - Braintree Town Maidenhead United - Hartlepool United Rochdale - Southend United Solihull Moors - Barnet Sutton United - Oldham Athletic Tamworth - Woking Wealdstone - Yeovil Town York City - Ebbsfleet United Tuesday 22nd October Aldershot Town - Southend United Altrincham - Hartlepool United Boston United - AFC Fylde Dagenham and Redbridge - Eastleigh Forest Green Rovers - Ebbsfleet United Maidenhead United - Oldham Athletic Rochdale - FC Halifax Town Solihull Moors - Woking Sutton United - Gateshead Tamworth - Yeovil Town Wealdstone - Braintree Town York City - Barnet Saturday 26th October Barnet - Rochdale Braintree Town - Sutton United Eastleigh - Boston United Ebbsfleet United - Wealdstone AFC Fylde - Altrincham Gateshead - Solihull Moors FC Halifax Town - York City Hartlepool United - Aldershot Town Oldham Athletic - Dagenham and Redbridge Southend United - Tamworth Woking - Forest Green Rovers Yeovil Town - Maidenhead United Saturday 9th November Aldershot Town - Wealdstone Barnet - Oldham Athletic Boston United - Dagenham and Redbridge Eastleigh - Braintree Town AFC Fylde - Gateshead FC Halifax Town - Woking Maidenhead United - Forest Green Rovers Rochdale - Sutton United Solihull Moors - Altrincham Southend United - Yeovil Town Tamworth - Ebbsfleet United York City - Hartlepool United Saturday 16th November Altrincham - Southend United Braintree Town - AFC Fylde Dagenham and Redbridge - Barnet Ebbsfleet United - Solihull Moors Forest Green Rovers - York City Gateshead - Aldershot Town Hartlepool United - Eastleigh Oldham Athletic - Tamworth Sutton United - Maidenhead United Wealdstone - Rochdale Woking - Boston United Yeovil Town - FC Halifax Town Saturday 23rd November Aldershot Town - Altrincham Barnet - Woking Boston United - Braintree Town Eastleigh - Wealdstone AFC Fylde - Ebbsfleet United FC Halifax Town - Sutton United Maidenhead United - Gateshead Rochdale - Oldham Athletic Solihull Moors - Hartlepool United Southend United - Forest Green Rovers Tamworth - Dagenham and Redbridge York City - Yeovil Town Tuesday 26th November Altrincham - York City Braintree Town - Maidenhead United Dagenham and Redbridge - Aldershot Town Ebbsfleet United - Eastleigh Forest Green Rovers - FC Halifax Town Gateshead - Rochdale Hartlepool United - AFC Fylde Oldham Athletic - Boston United Sutton United - Solihull Moors Wealdstone - Tamworth Woking - Southend United Yeovil Town - Barnet Saturday 30th November Braintree Town - Gateshead Eastleigh - Oldham Athletic Ebbsfleet United - Boston United Forest Green Rovers - Dagenham and Redbridge FC Halifax Town - Southend United Hartlepool United - Barnet Rochdale - Tamworth Solihull Moors - Aldershot Town Sutton United - AFC Fylde Wealdstone - Altrincham Woking - Yeovil Town York City - Maidenhead United Saturday 14th December Aldershot Town - FC Halifax Town Altrincham - Sutton United Barnet - Ebbsfleet United Dagenham and Redbridge - Rochdale Forest Green Rovers - Boston United AFC Fylde - Eastleigh Gateshead - Woking Maidenhead United - Solihull Moors Oldham Athletic - Wealdstone Southend United - Hartlepool United Tamworth - York City Yeovil Town - Braintree Town Saturday 21st December Barnet - FC Halifax Town Braintree Town - Oldham Athletic Eastleigh - Maidenhead United Ebbsfleet United - Gateshead Forest Green Rovers - Aldershot Town Hartlepool United - Yeovil Town Rochdale - Boston United Solihull Moors - AFC Fylde Sutton United - Tamworth Wealdstone - Dagenham and Redbridge Woking - Altrincham York City - Southend United Thursday 26th December Aldershot Town - Woking Altrincham - FC Halifax Town Barnet - Sutton United Boston United - Solihull Moors Dagenham and Redbridge - Braintree Town AFC Fylde - Rochdale Gateshead - Hartlepool United Maidenhead United - Wealdstone Oldham Athletic - York City Southend United - Ebbsfleet United Tamworth - Forest Green Rovers Yeovil Town - Eastleigh Wednesday 1st January Braintree Town - Southend United Eastleigh - Barnet Ebbsfleet United - Dagenham and Redbridge Forest Green Rovers - Yeovil Town FC Halifax Town - AFC Fylde Hartlepool United - Oldham Athletic Rochdale - Altrincham Solihull Moors - Tamworth Sutton United - Aldershot Town Wealdstone - Boston United Woking - Maidenhead United York City - Gateshead Saturday 11th January Aldershot Town - Solihull Moors Altrincham - Wealdstone Barnet - Hartlepool United Boston United - Ebbsfleet United Dagenham and Redbridge - Forest Green Rovers AFC Fylde - Sutton United Gateshead - Braintree Town Maidenhead United - York City Oldham Athletic - Eastleigh Southend United - FC Halifax Town Tamworth - Rochdale Yeovil Town - Woking Tuesday 14th January Aldershot Town - Braintree Town Altrincham - Maidenhead United Boston United - Southend United Dagenham and Redbridge - Woking Ebbsfleet United - Yeovil Town Forest Green Rovers - Barnet AFC Fylde - Oldham Athletic Gateshead - FC Halifax Town Hartlepool United - Tamworth Rochdale - York City Solihull Moors - Eastleigh Sutton United - Wealdstone Saturday 18th January Braintree Town - Solihull Moors Eastleigh - Altrincham Forest Green Rovers - Rochdale FC Halifax Town - Dagenham and Redbridge Maidenhead United - AFC Fylde Oldham Athletic - Aldershot Town Southend United - Barnet Tamworth - Boston United Wealdstone - Hartlepool United Woking - Ebbsfleet United Yeovil Town - Gateshead York City - Sutton United Saturday 25th January Aldershot Town - Tamworth Altrincham - Forest Green Rovers Barnet - Maidenhead United Boston United - York City Dagenham and Redbridge - Southend United Ebbsfleet United - Braintree Town AFC Fylde - Wealdstone Gateshead - Oldham Athletic Hartlepool United - Woking Rochdale - Yeovil Town Solihull Moors - FC Halifax Town Sutton United - Eastleigh Saturday 1st February Braintree Town - Hartlepool United Eastleigh - Gateshead Forest Green Rovers - Sutton United FC Halifax Town - Ebbsfleet United Maidenhead United - Aldershot Town Oldham Athletic - Altrincham Southend United - AFC Fylde Tamworth - Barnet Wealdstone - Solihull Moors Woking - Rochdale Yeovil Town - Boston United York City - Dagenham and Redbridge Saturday 8th February Aldershot Town - AFC Fylde Altrincham - Braintree Town Boston United - Barnet Dagenham and Redbridge - Yeovil Town Forest Green Rovers - Eastleigh Maidenhead United - Southend United Rochdale - Ebbsfleet United Solihull Moors - Oldham Athletic Sutton United - Hartlepool United Tamworth - FC Halifax Town Wealdstone - Gateshead York City - Woking Saturday 15th February Barnet - Solihull Moors Braintree Town - Forest Green Rovers Eastleigh - Aldershot Town Ebbsfleet United - York City AFC Fylde - Dagenham and Redbridge Gateshead - Altrincham FC Halifax Town - Boston United Hartlepool United - Maidenhead United Oldham Athletic - Sutton United Southend United - Rochdale Woking - Tamworth Yeovil Town - Wealdstone Tuesday 18th February Barnet - York City Braintree Town - Wealdstone Eastleigh - Dagenham and Redbridge Ebbsfleet United - Forest Green Rovers AFC Fylde - Boston United Gateshead - Sutton United FC Halifax Town - Rochdale Hartlepool United - Altrincham Oldham Athletic - Maidenhead United Southend United - Aldershot Town Woking - Solihull Moors Yeovil Town - Tamworth Saturday 22nd February Aldershot Town - Hartlepool United Altrincham - AFC Fylde Boston United - Eastleigh Dagenham and Redbridge - Oldham Athletic Forest Green Rovers - Woking Maidenhead United - Yeovil Town Rochdale - Barnet Solihull Moors - Gateshead Sutton United - Braintree Town Tamworth - Southend United Wealdstone - Ebbsfleet United York City - FC Halifax Town Saturday 1st March Altrincham - Solihull Moors Braintree Town - Eastleigh Dagenham and Redbridge - Boston United Ebbsfleet United - Tamworth Forest Green Rovers - Maidenhead United Gateshead - AFC Fylde Hartlepool United - York City Oldham Athletic - Barnet Sutton United - Rochdale Wealdstone - Aldershot Town Woking - FC Halifax Town Yeovil Town - Southend United Tuesday 4th March Aldershot Town - Dagenham and Redbridge Barnet - Yeovil Town Boston United - Oldham Athletic Eastleigh - Ebbsfleet United AFC Fylde - Hartlepool United FC Halifax Town - Forest Green Rovers Maidenhead United - Braintree Town Rochdale - Gateshead Solihull Moors - Sutton United Southend United - Woking Tamworth - Wealdstone York City - Altrincham Saturday 8th March Aldershot Town - Gateshead Barnet - Dagenham and Redbridge Boston United - Woking Eastleigh - Hartlepool United AFC Fylde - Braintree Town FC Halifax Town - Yeovil Town Maidenhead United - Sutton United Rochdale - Wealdstone Solihull Moors - Ebbsfleet United Southend United - Altrincham Tamworth - Oldham Athletic York City - Forest Green Rovers Saturday 15th March Altrincham - Aldershot Town Braintree Town - Boston United Dagenham and Redbridge - Tamworth Ebbsfleet United - AFC Fylde Forest Green Rovers - Southend United Gateshead - Maidenhead United Hartlepool United - Solihull Moors Oldham Athletic - Rochdale Sutton United - FC Halifax Town Wealdstone - Eastleigh Woking - Barnet Yeovil Town - York City Saturday 22nd March Aldershot Town - Ebbsfleet United Altrincham - Barnet Braintree Town - York City Eastleigh - Southend United AFC Fylde - Forest Green Rovers Gateshead - Tamworth Hartlepool United - Boston United Maidenhead United - Rochdale Oldham Athletic - FC Halifax Town Solihull Moors - Yeovil Town Sutton United - Dagenham and Redbridge Wealdstone - Woking Saturday 29th March Barnet - Gateshead Boston United - Sutton United Dagenham and Redbridge - Maidenhead United Ebbsfleet United - Altrincham Forest Green Rovers - Solihull Moors FC Halifax Town - Hartlepool United Rochdale - Aldershot Town Southend United - Oldham Athletic Tamworth - Eastleigh Woking - Braintree Town Yeovil Town - AFC Fylde York City - Wealdstone Saturday 5th April Aldershot Town - Boston United Altrincham - Yeovil Town Braintree Town - Barnet Eastleigh - FC Halifax Town AFC Fylde - York City Gateshead - Dagenham and Redbridge Hartlepool United - Ebbsfleet United Maidenhead United - Tamworth Oldham Athletic - Woking Solihull Moors - Rochdale Sutton United - Southend United Wealdstone - Forest Green Rovers Saturday 12th April Barnet - Wealdstone Boston United - Altrincham Dagenham and Redbridge - Hartlepool United Ebbsfleet United - Sutton United Forest Green Rovers - Gateshead FC Halifax Town - Maidenhead United Rochdale - Eastleigh Southend United - Solihull Moors Tamworth - Braintree Town Woking - AFC Fylde Yeovil Town - Oldham Athletic York City - Aldershot Town Friday 18th April Aldershot Town - Sutton United Altrincham - Rochdale Barnet - Eastleigh Boston United - Wealdstone Dagenham and Redbridge - Ebbsfleet United AFC Fylde - FC Halifax Town Gateshead - York City Maidenhead United - Woking Oldham Athletic - Hartlepool United Southend United - Braintree Town Tamworth - Solihull Moors Yeovil Town - Forest Green Rovers Monday 21st April Braintree Town - Dagenham and Redbridge Eastleigh - Yeovil Town Ebbsfleet United - Southend United Forest Green Rovers - Tamworth FC Halifax Town - Altrincham Hartlepool United - Gateshead Rochdale - AFC Fylde Solihull Moors - Boston United Sutton United - Barnet Wealdstone - Maidenhead United Woking - Aldershot Town York City - Oldham Athletic Saturday 26th April Barnet - Aldershot Town Boston United - Gateshead Dagenham and Redbridge - Altrincham Ebbsfleet United - Maidenhead United Forest Green Rovers - Oldham Athletic FC Halifax Town - Braintree Town Rochdale - Hartlepool United Southend United - Wealdstone Tamworth - AFC Fylde Woking - Eastleigh Yeovil Town - Sutton United York City - Solihull Moors Monday 5th May Aldershot Town - Yeovil Town Altrincham - Tamworth Braintree Town - Rochdale Eastleigh - York City AFC Fylde - Barnet Gateshead - Southend United Hartlepool United - Forest Green Rovers Maidenhead United - Boston United Oldham Athletic - Ebbsfleet United Solihull Moors - Dagenham and Redbridge Sutton United - Woking Wealdstone - FC Halifax Town